Thursday, December 15, 2011
Gold on sale!! You be the judgge!!!
We had Western central banks totally running out of any gold to sell onto the market, with all gold sales having ceased for more than a year. Suddenly, we have the bullion banks announcing they have so much gold on their hands that they are doing more than just giving it away, they are literally paying people to “borrow” it – in the greatest “gold sale” in all of history.
We have the same bankers announcing that the gold of Greece was now “collateral” for its sovereign debts. We then had the Greek government defaulting on those debts, directly implying the seizure of that collateral.
We had the”rebels” of Libya on the verge of total annihilation, while Western governments claimed they were helpless to intervene because it was “against international law”. We suddenly saw the rebels create an official receptacle for their nations gold, and then had those same Western nations instantly launching a massive military intervention into Libya, where Western governments flagrantly disregarded international law while committing their war crimes.
You be the judge.
For newer or more timid investors in the gold market who fear that this latest operation is somehow an indication of bankster omnipotence, relax.
It was less than two years ago that the scheming banksters thought they could torpedo the gold market through getting the IMF to dump 400 tons of gold onto the market (50% more gold than that of Greece and Libya combined).
What happened then? As soon as that gold hit the market, India swallowed-up half of it in one gulp!!
The price of gold was permanently launched above the $1000/oz mark – and the gold market has never looked back since.
We know that the banksters are capable of depressing the price of gold over the short-term. We also know from the six-fold increase in the price of gold over the past decade that they are losing this “war”.
Meanwhile, it is only a matter of time until the masses realize that the worthless paper in their wallets is worthless. Sounds like a great time to buy gold – on sale.
From :
We had Western central banks totally running out of any gold to sell onto the market, with all gold sales having ceased for more than a year. Suddenly, we have the bullion banks announcing they have so much gold on their hands that they are doing more than just giving it away, they are literally paying people to “borrow” it – in the greatest “gold sale” in all of history.
We have the same bankers announcing that the gold of Greece was now “collateral” for its sovereign debts. We then had the Greek government defaulting on those debts, directly implying the seizure of that collateral.
We had the”rebels” of Libya on the verge of total annihilation, while Western governments claimed they were helpless to intervene because it was “against international law”. We suddenly saw the rebels create an official receptacle for their nations gold, and then had those same Western nations instantly launching a massive military intervention into Libya, where Western governments flagrantly disregarded international law while committing their war crimes.
You be the judge.
For newer or more timid investors in the gold market who fear that this latest operation is somehow an indication of bankster omnipotence, relax.
It was less than two years ago that the scheming banksters thought they could torpedo the gold market through getting the IMF to dump 400 tons of gold onto the market (50% more gold than that of Greece and Libya combined).
What happened then? As soon as that gold hit the market, India swallowed-up half of it in one gulp!!
The price of gold was permanently launched above the $1000/oz mark – and the gold market has never looked back since.
We know that the banksters are capable of depressing the price of gold over the short-term. We also know from the six-fold increase in the price of gold over the past decade that they are losing this “war”.
Meanwhile, it is only a matter of time until the masses realize that the worthless paper in their wallets is worthless. Sounds like a great time to buy gold – on sale.
From :
Thursday, October 20, 2011
काल रात्री आम्ही जेवणानंतर ’बडीशेप’ खात होतो...
सलील सहज म्हणाला: काही लोक बडीशेप ’अशी’ ठेचतात...आणि ’अशी’ नंतर तोंडात ’लावतात’...
माझं त्याच्या हावभावांकडे लक्श्य नव्हतं, पण अपर्णा हसायला लागली म्हणून मी त्याला परत विचारलं,
"कसं, कसं करतात?"
आणि त्यानं :
१. तम्बाखू एक तळ हातावर दुसर्या हाताच्या अंगठ्याने मळणं
२. मग ते तोंडात अलगद ओठांखाली ठेवणं.
"असं" नीट करुन दाखवलं!!
"कुठे बघितलंस हे"
"पोटोबा जवळ एक काका असं खात होते" !
काय observation असतं पोरांचं!
(नंतर जास्त चर्चा न करता, विशेष काही न धडल्यासारखं, आम्ही विषय बदलला...)
सलील सहज म्हणाला: काही लोक बडीशेप ’अशी’ ठेचतात...आणि ’अशी’ नंतर तोंडात ’लावतात’...
माझं त्याच्या हावभावांकडे लक्श्य नव्हतं, पण अपर्णा हसायला लागली म्हणून मी त्याला परत विचारलं,
"कसं, कसं करतात?"
आणि त्यानं :
१. तम्बाखू एक तळ हातावर दुसर्या हाताच्या अंगठ्याने मळणं
२. मग ते तोंडात अलगद ओठांखाली ठेवणं.
"असं" नीट करुन दाखवलं!!
"कुठे बघितलंस हे"
"पोटोबा जवळ एक काका असं खात होते" !
काय observation असतं पोरांचं!
(नंतर जास्त चर्चा न करता, विशेष काही न धडल्यासारखं, आम्ही विषय बदलला...)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
अनिल अवचट : एक आवडणं....
मनीषनं ही लिंक दिली, facebook वर share केली, खरं तर: अनिल अवचट: एक न आवडणं
आमच्या orkut community वर नवीन धागा पण सुरु केला त्यानं (मला पण यावर चर्चा व्हावी, असं वाटत होतंच): Some criticism
वरचा blog post नक्की वाचा आधी...मगच मी काय म्हणतोय ते कळेल...
जेव्हा मी हे वाचायला सुरुवात केली, तेव्हा मला वाटलं की हे उच्च मध्यमवर्गावर आहे. ज्ञानदा ला या लोकांची फ़ारच चीड आलेली दिसतेय :)
>> 'आम्ही जगतो ती किती मज्जा' असं मध्यमवर्गीय लोक जेव्हा ठासून सांगू लागतात – तेव्हा त्यांच्या कार्पेटखाली प्रचंड दांभिक कचरा साठतोय
:) :)
पण नंतर ती पु. ल. , आनंद नाडकर्णी आणि अनिल अवचट यांच्यावर घसरली! खरं तर त्यांच्या लेखनावर. म्हणून मी आता यावर " ही माणसं कसं आयुष्य जगली, ते तरी बघ.." असा प्रति मुद्दा मांड्णार नाही. कारण तो तुझा मूळ मुद्दा नसावा...
मग फ़क्त हे लेखक आणि त्यांचं लेखन!
आता यापैकी मी बाबा (अवचट) बद्दल बोलीन, कारण मी त्याचं बरचसं लिखाण वाचलंय आणि त्याला थोडाफ़ार ओळखतोही...
बाबा च्या लेखनाचे दोन ठळक भाग मला वाटतात:
१) पत्रकार बाबा :
यांत ’माणसं’ ’संभ्रम’ वगैरे लिखाण येतं. ’वेध’ सारखं धारदार/टीकात्म सुद्धा. मला हे लिखाण खूप आवडलंय. यातला ’बाबा’ चा समाजवादी सूर active आहे. शिवाय हे बाबाचं लेखन थोडं त्याच्या तरूणपणीचं आहे. त्यात ’जोश’ आहे.
२) स्वानंदी बाबा :
यांत ’छंदांविषयी’, ’स्रुष्टीत...’, ’जनात...’ वगैरे लिखाण येतं. केशवसुतांनी नविन कवींना सल्ला दिला होता की : स्वानंदासाठी कविता करा. हा सल्ला बाबाने फ़ारच मनावर घेतला की काय असं मला वाटतं कधी कधी :)!
आता यांत निखिल वागळे च्या शब्दात सांगायचं तर : बाबा सपशेल लेखक झालाय!
यातली काही पुस्तकं मला पण खूप ’बोअर’ वाटतात! ’दिसले ते’, ’स्रुष्टीत...’आणि ’जनात...’ तर मी पूर्ण वाचलीही नाहीत.
So 'Objection: Boring' : can't altogether 'overruled'!!
आता अजून एक महत्वाची गोष्ट: आपण एखाद्या लेखका बद्द्ल मत बनवत असतॊ, ते त्याचं काही लेखन वाचून. पण यांत आपण judgemental error करू शकतो! इथे ’बाबा’चं जर फ़क्त ’स्वानंदी’ लेखन वाचलं तर नक्कीच judgement चुकेल!
Friday, November 12, 2010
PMC has launched an online complaint registration facility for the citizens of Pune. Any one can register a complaint and follow up on it. It allows you to report any city related issues in various departments like
Traffic and Roadworks ( including sidewalks, cycle tracks, etc)
Solid waste and garbage management and a lot more.
You can also upload a photo of the issue you see.
Following is the link to this:
Please use this facility actively (if you see any issues in your area) and follow up on your complaints. Send this to all your friends
Traffic and Roadworks ( including sidewalks, cycle tracks, etc)
Solid waste and garbage management and a lot more.
You can also upload a photo of the issue you see.
Following is the link to this:
Please use this facility actively (if you see any issues in your area) and follow up on your complaints. Send this to all your friends
Now I decide to try using it and filed this complaint:
Complaint: 1
Number :160471562
Complaint about :Electrical
Complaint Description :There are 4-5 poles from Gandhi bhavan to Mahatma soc. road. The road is widened and now the poles stand on the road obstrucing 25% of the road width!
Resolution time :5 days
Date of Registration :11/12/2010 6:29:49 PM
Complaint assigned to :P Deshmukh
Ward Office number :25432620
Ward Office address :Near Railway booking office, Opposite Garware School, Karve Road 411004.
Let's monitor the progress...
Monday, November 01, 2010
'किल्ले जंजिरा': तिथले तथाकथित गाइड आणि त्यांचं ज्ञान!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Virender Sehwag and Sunil Gavaskar: an opening pair that would have any bowler quaking in his boots
Cricinfo has compiled India all-time XI team.
Here's the link:
If you don't want to waste time, here are they:
1. Sunil Gavaskar
2. Sehwag
3. Dravid
4. Sachin Tendulkar
5. Vijay Hajare
6. Vinu Mankad
7. Kapil Dev
8. Dhoni
9. Kumbale
10. Shreenath
11. Prasanna
Friday, August 20, 2010
A very good stretches for Runner: